PinnedPublished inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhere Did I Put My PlateShould I be concerned about my wife’s declining memoryMar 25Mar 25
Published inKoinoniaGod is interested in Your Holiness not Your HappinessOr can you have both?6d ago46d ago4
Published inILLUMINATIONI Watched The Day Of the Jackal and Sympathised With the AssassinIs there something wrong with meJan 271Jan 271
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeHow Do Couples Manage Having Babies in Their FiftiesMy grandkids wear me outJan 147Jan 147
Published inThe DoveIf God Tells You to Take My Car, Did You Steal It?Whether it’s for a righteous cause or notJan 59Jan 59
Published inILLUMINATIONI Miss the White Nuclear Family in CommercialsAs a black man, I appreciate representation in media. But not at the expense of others. I think we’ve gone too far.Jan 56Jan 56
Published inILLUMINATIONIt’s Time For Justin Trudeau To ResignThe cabinet, the Liberal caucus and the polls have spokenDec 17, 20244Dec 17, 20244
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeGrandpa, I Went Pee in the PottyAnother milestone has been reachedDec 14, 20242Dec 14, 20242
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeCelebrating Sixty Years of MarriageA Legacy that will be hard to matchDec 10, 20245Dec 10, 20245
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhy Can’t I Remember Why I Opened This DrawerMy ability to multitask has diminishedDec 7, 20248Dec 7, 20248