PinnedVuyo NgcakaniinILLUMINATIONTrump Is A Shoo-in For the Presidency NowHis reaction to his assassination attempt showed strength and braveryJul 143Jul 143
PinnedVuyo NgcakaniinKoinoniaDoes How You Dress Reveal Your Irreverence For GodDoes God careApr 821Apr 821
PinnedVuyo NgcakaniinKoinoniaWhat Happened to Wearing Your Sunday Best?Why don’t we care about how we look anymore?Mar 2615Mar 2615
PinnedVuyo NgcakaniinThe Dad VaultWhy I Want to Mentor Boys to Be Good DadsThe stats on fatherless homes are soberingNov 10, 202212Nov 10, 202212
PinnedVuyo NgcakaniinThe Dad VaultWhat I Regret I Didn’t Do When My Kids Still Lived At HomeYou don’t have all the time in the worldMar 6, 202118Mar 6, 202118
Vuyo NgcakaniinILLUMINATIONWe Need to Put More Men into Boys' LivesBoys who grow up without male influence flounderSep 51Sep 51
Vuyo NgcakaniinCrow’s FeetMy Once Powerful Daddy Can No Longer Change A TireMy robust hero has fallen victim to ageAug 185Aug 185
Vuyo NgcakaniinILLUMINATIONStop Thinking I Support Kamala Because I’m BlackWe are not a monolithAug 15Aug 15
Vuyo NgcakaniinThe DoveA Conversation About Fire Representing the TrinityYou can’t have fire without light and heatAug 134Aug 134